Easy Way to Remove Haze From Clear Coat

Are you looking for ways on how to conceal scratches on your car or restore old paintwork? Rubbing compound can bring your car's paint back to life and at the same time make significant corrections on your paint job.

As great as rubbing compound is, there are times it may leave behind a haze. The reason for this usually is the incorrect application or using too much product.

Irrespective of the cause of the rubbing compound haze on your car, it is important for you to know how to remove it correctly.

how to remove rubbing compound haze

What Causes Hazing after Application of Rubbing Compound?

Before I can share with you tips on how to remove rubbing compound haze, it is crucial that you know the cause, so that you can avoid making the same mistake in the future. The general rule of thumb when applying rubbing compound is that the car surface should be super clean.

Dirt, dust and bonded contaminants will cause a haze when rubbing compound breaks these particles into smaller pieces. Using a dirty applicator or removal towel/microfiber cloth can also lead to the same results.

The car, as well as the materials being used to apply the rubbing compound, ought to be very clean before you start the process. Failure to adhere to this can cause hazing on car paint.

How Do I remove Rubbing Compound Haze?

Now that you are familiar with the causes, let's get to the part you have been eagerly waiting for. There are several ways on how you can remove rubbing compound haze. They include;

  • Using a buffing pad. If the reason behind the haze is excessive use of rubbing compound then you can buff it out. This will take a lot of time and effort but the haze will come off. Avoid buffing if the cause of the haze is dirt or dust. These may have abrasive particles that can scratch your paint during buffing.
  • The good old soap and water also do a commendable job at removing rubbing compound haze. If the rubbing compound hadn't fully settled in, soap and water can wash off some of the rubbing compound and you may have to re-apply it.
  • A mixture of rubbing alcohol and water. Rubbing alcohol isn't only good for removing stubborn stains on car paint but it can also be used to remove rubbing compound haze. You should avoid using rubbing alcohol at full strength as it may eat through paint. If you don't want to remove all of the rubbing compound on your car surface, spray lightly and rub it gently. This will remove just the haze and not the entire product.
  • A clean and shine product. Meguiar's and 3M have the best clean and shine products that will remove the rubbing compound haze from your car paint and leave behind a sparkling clean finish.
  • Finally, a good polish should be able to remove excess rubbing compound haze from your car paint. And because rubbing compound can reduce shine, the polish should be able to reinstate it.

Why Is It Hard for Me to Buff Rubbing Compound Haze?

The conventional way of removing rubbing compound haze is simply through buffing. This is what expert detailers do, as well as those who have been using rubbing compound for years.

And, should you find a haze after application, even after you have buffed your car, then there are two reasons for this. One, you either did the application under the hot scorching sun or two, you used a lot of rubbing compound.

To avoid hazing, avoid being generous with rubbing compound. Unlike other products, using more rubbing compound doesn't always translate to it working more effectively.

Also, the best place for you to apply rubbing compound is in a garage or when the temperatures aren't so high. Not following these tips will always result in hazing or drying of the rubbing compound, forcing you to look for alternative methods of removing it.

Can Rubbing Compound Damage My Car Paint?

The purpose of rubbing compound is to conceal scratches and restore old paintwork. It is safe to use on car paint and won't damage it.

The only thing that rubbing compound can do is either haze the car surface or dull your car finish. These disadvantages can however be corrected by polishing your car. A good car polish will remove rubbing compound haze and improve its finish.

It's worth knowing that rubbing compound can damage car paint if there are abrasives present on your car surface. Dust often contains significant particles that can scratch car paint when rubbing compound is being applied.

To avoid this, wash and dry your car thoroughly before application of rubbing compound. Also, perform this procedure in an enclosed area to prevent contaminants from bonding with the rubbing compound.

Restoring Your Cars Shine after Rubbing Compound Dulls Its Finish

Car maintenance products such as rubbing compound often come at a price. They will conceal scratches and restore an old paint job.

But, they will leave behind a cloudy residue that will dull your car's finish. Even if the scratches in your car will have disappeared, the dull finish will make your car look terrible.

So, how can you restore your car's shine after rubbing compound dulls its finish?

You will need some non-abrasive wax, a car sponge, and some towels. It is advisable to do this under a shade. If possible, avoid direct sunlight and it would be best that you carry out this process when it's cloudy.

The reason why I am against waxing your car under the sun is that excess heat will force the wax to dry unevenly and leave behind swirl marks.

I am also recommending non-abrasive wax as it is gentler on car surfaces and won't scratch your paint. Before we get to waxing, you should also know that it's better if you work on smaller sections at a time as it prevents wax build-up and drying.

The restoration of your car's shine after rubbing wax dulls its finish starts with waxing the car in a thin and even coat. Rub the wax till a fog forms on the surface.

Polish it with a soft towel till you can see a clear and shiny coat. Maintaining cleanliness is very important during this process.

So, use clean towels and fold them every once in a while so that you can use clean sections. Repeat this procedure till you remove the rubbing compound haze on your car. Always avoid windows and plastic since wax does leave stains behind.

Waxing and polishing your car are amongst the most effective ways of removing rubbing compound haze. Make sure that you stick to reliable wax and polish brands. Also, before waxing, clean your car thoroughly and dry it.

A DIY Method of Removing Rubbing Compound Haze

Over the years, car enthusiasts and professional detailers have devised ways of carrying out DIY car care and maintenance.

Some of these ways may not be straightforward, but they have worked for others and can be helpful to you too. If the above methods don't remove that stubborn haze caused by rubbing compound then here is a DIY alternative worth trying.

According to several forums, vegetable oil and creamy peanut have helped plenty of motorists remove rubbing compound haze from their cars.

The science to back this theory remains to be a mystery. But, hey if it works then we don't really have to focus so much on science.

To remove the rubbing compound haze with vegetable oil or creamy peanut butter, you will need some warm water and a soft-bristle brush.

Dip the brush into the warm water and apply it on surfaces that have a lot of rubbing compound haze. This should be followed by the application of either peanut butter or vegetable oil.

Because peanut butter is harder to spread, I would prefer vegetable oil. Let it sit on the surface for a while before you can wash it with warm water and dry it with a towel.

Why You Should Never Let Rubbing Compound Dry on Car Paint?

Your car's clear coat and paintwork happen to be very sensitive. And even though rubbing compound is a car care product, if left to dry on your paint, it can cause more harm than good.

If rubbing compound dries on car paint then it's not only the hazing you will have to worry about. It will be harder to remove and your paint won't look even.

So, if you are applying rubbing compound, wipe it off immediately and polish your car to restore its shine.

How to Apply Rubbing Compound (The Right Way)?

Earlier, I did mention how incorrect application of rubbing compound is one of the leading causes of hazing. To ensure that you don't deal with rubbing compound hazing in the future, here is how you should professionally compound your car.

  • The first step is assessing the paintwork. Rubbing compound is known for dealing with heavy scratches and oxidation. This is unlike the polishing compound that is used mainly for light scratches.
  • After making up your mind on which compound to use, the next step is to wash the car. Be very thorough and remove all dirt and bonded contaminants. Dry your car and perform a patch test.
  • If everything goes well with the patch test then apply the compound to one area at a time. Rub it gently, back and forth.
  • Wipe off excess rubbing compound. You will realize that the paint will dull a little bit.
  • And that's why you should finish by applying polish to restore your car's shine.


Source: https://www.cherishyourcar.com/how-to-remove-rubbing-compound-haze/

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